Do any of these scenarios feel familiar to you? If so, I can help.

You've always been a worrier but lately you can't control it; you worry about the smallest things and it's stopping you from doing what you love to do. You think you should be able to snap yourself out of it, but you cant, and you don't know where to turn. You don't want to take medication because you know there is another way. You're just not sure what it is.

You're in a relationship and you're always walking on eggshells. You used to be okay with it, but now it's taking its toll. You feel anxious and it's affecting your health both physically and mentally. Your partner blames you and says it's all your fault and that if you'd just change everything would be okay. You're starting to feel crazy. You want things to get better but don't know where to turn.
Are you tired of being sad, anxious, upset and overwhelmed and thinking there must be something wrong with you? Everyone else seems to be coping!
You are a smart woman, you accomplish a lot in your've got kids, a relationship, a job.....but something is missing and you're not sure what it is. You want to feel that spark again; to feel in control of your life; to be truly happy! You just don't know how to make it happen. You are not alone! |